Organic Raw Cocinut Oil

Bukobaba Organic Coconut Oil & MCT Oil-Benefits & Uses

The benefits of adding organic coconut oil into your diet and beauty routine is now very well known as there are extensive studies that prove how healthy and effective it is for various uses for internal and external uses.

We chose to carry the Bukobaba brand of coconut based products because of its supreme level of potency and purity due to its artisanal manufacturing and extraction processes which preserves the highest levels of Lauric Acid, the key component to its healing properties and benefits. Partnering with brands that are ethically sourced & intentionally giving back to their community is what we aim for, and Bukobaba exemplifies this model perfectly.


Did you know that not all virgin raw organic coconut oil is actually raw?! That's right! In order for companies to export the large quantities of coconut oil into western countries, they must first heat it to fill up the containers it's shipped in to arrive here in large vats, which then can possibly be heated again to be re-packaged as in colder temperatures it solidifies. That type of heating process degrades the nutrients and fatty acids because they are very heat sensitive.

This is what makes Bukobaba different than all of the coconut oils we've ever tried is that this is truly raw coconut oil-it's never heated and is packaged freshly in the Philippines so when you purchase it, its intact with all the wonderful nutrients and healing properties.

Bukobaba has a beautiful white colour, and doesn't have a off white or yellowish tone because it is never roasted or refined. The scent is very light and this is also a distinct way that you can tell which coconut oils have been heated/roasted. The oils that have been exposed to more heat have a stronger nuttier scent.


Heart & Brain Health

The health & beauty benefits of Coconut Oil are extensive! This is largely in part because it contains medium chain fatty triglycerides (MCT) and saturated fats. These include lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid. The fatty acids in coconut oil encourage the body to burn fat, raise the HDL levels in your blood (good cholesterol) which may reduce heart disease.

When you eat MCT's it goes straight to the liver and is converted to ketones which has powerful benefits for your neurological health and is a healthy alternate source of energy.

Many natural health practitioners recommend this to people who are at risk of dimensia and alzheimers as a way to promote neurological health as it provides the needed healthy saturated fats essential for normal brain function.

Cooking with VCO

Cooking with coconut oil and using it in everyday cooking & baking is a wonderful and easy way to introduce it into your diet and replace unhealthy fats such as margarine and hydrogenated vegetable oils. Coconut oil has a high smoke point and is one of the healthiest cooking oils you can use and acts as a nice vegan alternative to butter in certain baking recipes. It does solidify in cooler temperatures, but melts quickly in warm temperatures. This is the only oil that I cook with now because it doesn't go rancid and is incredibly versatile in the kitchen!

Below is a chart of coconut oil food uses created by renowned physician Dr.Axe.

Antimicrobial and Wellness Benefits

Lauric Acid makes up to 50% of the fatty acids found in coconut oil. Lauric Acid is then converted to monolaurin which together have been shown to be able to kill pathogens such as virus's, bacteria, and fungi. I've personally used it for various ailments to support healing.

We highly recommend using VCO as a part of your medicine cabinet arsenal to use to keep germs away and have as an effective alternative to numerous products. We've listed the various health & wellness uses it has and you'll see just how versatile and multi functional it is!

  • Fights inflammation
  • boosts immunity
  • sleep aid
  • kills candida
  • balances hormones
  • supports digestion
  • supports a healthy metabolism
  • fat burning supplement
  • blood sugar stabilizer
  • skin healing properties for psoriasis and eczema
  • balances cholesterol levels
  • supports gut health

Beauty Benefits & Uses Of VCO

It's no surprise that among health and wellness advocates, coconut oil has been one of the top choices for it's various beauty uses for skin, nails and hair. The natural composition of coconut oil with its nutrient dense fatty acids and powerful anti-inflammatory effects, and its absorbent texture makes it a very moisturizing, conditioning and soothing remedy. It is my number one choice oil to use on its own to moisturize after getting out of the shower or combined with other natural oils and butters for DIY recipes to moisturize dry skin, boost sun protection, and support healthy hair. When it's used on a regular basis you will notice that your skin will appear much softer and smoother over time.

If you have a particular skin condition such as psoriasis, dermatitis or eczema, using VCO is highly recommended for topical use on a regular basis to reduce the feeling and look of redness, irritation and scaling on the skin. If you have hair that is porous, chemically treated or very damaged, VCO will work wonders for your scalp and hair as it will aid in moisturizing and conditioning the hair deeply. It has moisture and protein components, so it's best recommended for people with medium to high porosity hair.

The list goes on and on, but we've made it easy by creating a list for you so you can get the maximum usage of you Bukobaba coconut oil for you beauty and skin needs.

  • Lock in hydration after shower as overall body moisturizer
  • soothe dry skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema
  • soothing foot rub
  • natural deodorant
  • shaving oil
  • natural sunscreen to be used in combination with a mineral sunscreen
  • cold sore remedy
  • can help alleviate skin rashes and temporary discomfort from cuts/bug bites
  • can be used for DIY scrub recipes
  • nail cuticle oil
  • scalp and hair oil-great for treating dandruff and damaged hair
  • can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks
  • massage oil
  • anti fungal oil
  • lip balm
  • split end serum
  • wound salve (antimicrobial)
  • bath oil for added moisture
  • DIY balms and body butters
  • oil pulling for whiter teeth and oral health
  • makeup remover for dry skin
  • leave in hair mask

Bukobaba MCT Oil

MCT oil is a fantastic health based product that is beneficial for cognitive function and supporting weight loss management and a healthy metabolism. Studies have shown that prolonged intake of MCT may improve memory and reduce symptoms of neurological conditions.

The main difference between VCO and MCT oil is that the MCT oil contains ONLY the medium chain triglycerides and doesn't have the polyphenols  that VCO contains. Simply put, it's a PURE source of fatty acids and they are easily and quickly absorbed and digested by the body. MCT oil also is always in a liquid form, is odourless and is best used to dress salads, used for bullet proof coffee and can be used on the skin as an oil cleanser for people with oilier or acne prone skin as it is lighter and will not clog your pores. It still contains all the wonderful anti-inflammatory and health properties of VCO, and is preferred by those who want the raw liquid form for a boost of energy and to curb sugar cravings as it has a lighter texture as added directly to coffee, juices, salad dressings or smoothies prior to a workout.

If you are on a keto or vegan diet, I would highly recommend adding Bukobaba MCT oil to maintain healthy brain health, balance out your sugar cravings and boost your metabolism-it really is a fast acting health remedy that doesn't require much time to feel the results!

We are really proud to carry this outstanding brand of artisan crafted coconut oil based products and know you'll love everything about it from the taste, smell, feel and of course versatility of coconut oil and MCT to benefit your health and beauty routine. The results will speak for themselves and we can't wait to hear about your results, it's holistic beauty and health at its best!

You can shop for Bukobaba HERE.